Latest update: NSW Government changes for landlords & tenants amid coronavirus outbreak

The NSW Government has this week announced further changes to landlord and tenancy laws, amid the global COVID-19 outbreak.

Residential tenants and landlords facing financial hardship due to coronavirus will receive increased support via the new measures.

Key changes include:

  • A 60-day stop on landlords issuing termination notices or applying for NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) eviction orders over rental arrears due to COVID-19
  • New requirements for landlords & tenants to enter into negotiations over rent payments & rent reductions in “good faith”
  • Where a household is struggling to make rental payments and has suffered a loss of income (25% or more) due to coronavirus, there is a new obligation to enter into negotiations with the landlord/managing agent, prior to seeking a forced end to the tenancy
  • Tenants will be protected from eviction until NCAT is satisfied negotiations have ended. Any unpaid rent will accrue as arrears during this period
  • Residential landlords will be eligible for a land tax waiver/rebate of up to 25% if they pass the saving on to tenants in financial distress.
  • Tenants will be protected from being added to tenancy databases (or “blacklists”) for breaches of agreements resulting from COVID-19 impacts

Action is also being taken to ensure evictions unrelated to rent arrears are stayed to minimise housing disruption and movement. The usual notice period under the Residential Tenancies Act will be increased from 30 days to 90 days for terminations due to fixed or periodic leases ending, or other agreement breaches.

For more information, visit the NSW Fair Trading website here.

Signature Properties Mudgee is committed to providing our clients with the latest information from the NSW Government regarding changes to landlord & tenancy rules. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram to keep up-to-date with breaking industry news.

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Latest update: NSW Government changes for landlords & tenants amid coronavirus outbreak